Christ Centred, Committed andCompletely Crackers!The amazing, gritty, adventure story ofGod’s grace through Project Dengkecontinues in this book. A key and recurringtheme is the reaching out with practical loveand kindness to those in real need, such asleprosy patients and youngsters in extremepoverty. The impossible is demonstratedpossible. Whether this be the building aFriendship Centre in the most sensitiveregion of China /Tibet or a self-proclaimed“Living Buddha” wanting his monks to beChristians, be prepared to be amazed andencouraged irrespective of whether you havefaith yourself. The best of times and theworst of times are all shared in intimatedetail with a generous helping of wit andhumour. The criteria for being on his teamMel describes as 5Cs Christ CentredCommitted and Completely Crackers afterall, he says, “the good book says sometimeswe have to be fools for Christ’s sake”.“I have found that there are three stages inevery great work of God: first, it is impossible,then it is difficult, then it is done.”Hudson Taylor